Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren Responds to Call for Her to Resign

The full statement from Mayor Lovely Warren after Mike Mazzeo, President of the Rochester Police Locust club, called for her to resign:

“For 30 years, the problem with policing in Rochester are cops like Mike Mazzeo that watch the video of Daniel Prude’s death and see nothing wrong. Who believe there is nothing wrong with driving Mr. Prude’s head into the street. Who believe there is nothing wrong with other officers standing by, joking and failing to intervene while Mr. Prude is dying. Who think its fine to just casually ignore him as he takes his last breath, and then callously and falsely inform his brother who begged for him not to be harmed. Mike Mazzeo and his ilk exist only to protect and serve themselves, and certainly not the people of the City of Rochester. It is time for Mike Mazzeo to resign, because his archaic ways of policing are no longer wanted in the City of Rochester."

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