State: City Schools Seriously Underestimated Key Costs of Doing Business

The first report on the Rochester City School District budget by State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli's staff says the RCSD will need to cut its budget by another $40.5 million by the end of the school year on June 30th. The state says the district underestimated its deficit this year by about $6 million.

The comptroller's report says the school district's previous administration both underestimated spending and overestimated its revenues last year to the amount of nearly $62 million. Thanks to reductions already made, including the layoffs of more than 100 teachers, the district saved roughly $38 million. That leaves, according to the state, $40.5 million still to be cut. The district will get some help if the state budget is approved with Governor Cuomo's proposal of an additional $25 million aid for Rochester schools.

The report says had the district not made mid-year cuts, the deficit would have been more than $70 million by the end of June.

The district seriously underbudgeted in half-a-dozen areas, including health insurance, the cost of substitute teachers and charter school tuitions.

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