Perinton, Fairport Officials Vow to Track Down Graffitti-Sprayer

Officials from Perinton and Fairport say they have one priority right now: catching and prosecuting whoever sprayed racist graffiti around the town and the village Wednesday night.

Monroe County Sheriff's Department Captain Andrew DeLyser says officers have spoken extensively with neighbors at the Pines of Perinton complex and the other neighborhoods that were hit by the graffiti...which included swastikas and other racist insults. They've canvassed 600 homes and collected video from numerous security cameras.

Captain DeLyser says he takes this personally, since he lives in Perinton. He says whoever did this should "find someplace else to live," and all people who live in the town should feel "safe and wanted."

DeLyser was joined by Fairport Police Chief Sam Farina, Sheriff Todd Baxter and both the Mayor of Fairport and the Supervisor of Perinton...all saying the same thing: that they will track down and prosecute whoever sprayed the graffiti.

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